Old Mountain Cabin

A mountain cabin with animated sky.....


oldmountainhomepic8.jpg picture by Mutssss

Great Old Cabin in a Valley...

Lots of furniture nodes...lots of standing spots...Sitting pose

oldmountainhomepic6.jpg picture by Mutssss

Snowman infront of the cabin

oldmountaincabinpic3.jpg picture by Mutssss

oldmountaincabinepic2.jpg picture by Mutssss

oldmountainhomepic7.jpg picture by Mutssss

oldmountainhomepic5.jpg picture by Mutssss

More snow fun to add in this romantic mountain cabin...

[my]Animated Snowman  [my]Anim Falling Snow  [my]Ice Bear Animated 

[my]Ice Bear Couche Anim  [my]Ice SnowBall Fight  [my]Animated Open Fire

oldmountaincabinpic4.jpg picture by Mutssss

