Red Wine Eirene hair is sexy, dressy and casual, you can wear anything with this hairstyle..
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The Red Wine Eirene hairstyle is GA.
Reviews are appreciated if you like the Red Wine Eirene hairstyle, but there not required. :)
You are only buying the Red Wine Eirene hairstyle in the catalog icon image.
You can also find the Golden Brown and the Charcoal Eirene hairstyles in my catalog that are in the picture below.
You can also find the Pink w/bull heads top and the BlueJean/Pink Bull Chaps that is in the 1st picture, the Sheer pink/purple w/lips lingerie only that's in the 2nd picture and the Pink Purpl Grn swimwear that is in the 3rd picture in my catalog too.
Thanxs :)


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