Lake House Beauty

Animated water in the lake

luxlakehousepic1.jpg picture by Mutssss

This room has three levels

 There are 4 rooms on the 1st and 2nd floor

The third level is an attic

luxlakehousepic6.jpg picture by Mutssss

luxlakehousepic3.jpg picture by Mutssss                                luxlakehousepic2.jpg picture by Mutssss

luxlakehousepic7.jpg picture by Mutssss

You can put furniture all around front....back and sides of this home

luxlakehousepic5.jpg picture by Mutssss                               luxlakehousepic4.jpg picture by Mutssss

luxlakehousepic8.jpg picture by Mutssss

Also furnitute nodes into the lake for a boat or other floating furniture

 luxlakehousepic9.jpg picture by Mutssss

Click on the Banner

developermutsssbba.gif picture by Mutssss

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss