Spread ur pixieDust with the PixieDust Drizzle partical . Have Fun.

Its derivable too
U need only one texture as *.png Go under particle in the previewer and load it up . U can use every texture stars or something other like this..... made it the what should be not showing up from the image invisible in your texture program (photoshop).Because the texture alone BUILD THE MESH OF THE PARTCLE . So the size is fundamental too. And thats it . To preventing the bug who kills your texture u must name ur PIC as THIS
its no joke this works if u name ur texture the same name like this its popping over to the material panel in the previewer and u see it there .. its a miracle.But the partcical canīt be seen in the previewer u can see them only in the imvu messenger . SRY for this bug but it come4s from IMVU.

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