________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER BEWARE!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT - ITS FOR DEVELOPING ONLY!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a derivable long rectangle rug that has an area along the edge where you can add fringe. Please do not add blending to this product unless you absolutely have to. When you have two things with blending on them in the same space, one or both of those things will disappear in spots or altogether. So, that means any furniture you may place on this rug that has a "shadow" effect on the bottom of it can pose problems with the blending function enabled. There are 5 textures required for this product. Thanks for your interest in my derivable products. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VERSION OF MY PRODUCT DERIVABLE. Thank you. Photobucket' border='0' />" readonly onClick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" STYLE="width: 1600px; ">