Erai Hikizuri


Hikizuri Kimono


Public tea ceremonies and Edo-period RP



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[ATT] Kyoufuu Shimada [ATT] Chu Shimada [ATT] Kyoufuu Shimada Kanzashi

This kimono is worn by the geiko who act as otemae (tencha) during the Miyako/ Kyo/Kamogawa Odori, but also during other tea ceremonies like Iyemon no chakai.

Before and around WW2, geisha used to wear kimono with a flipped collar like these all the time (for an example, take a look at this movieclip), but after the war it fell into decline and its use became limited to occassions like the annual Odori.

In the past, a geiko's hairstyle looked very similar to that of a maiko. To emphasize the difference, the geiko who had gone through a period of apprenticeship would flip their collars, putting the term "to turn one's collar" (the change from maiko to geiko) in a new context.

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