Merry Meet!

On the 21st December, Winter Solstice, wiccan and pagans are celebrating the longest night and the blessings of darkness as well as the rebirth of the sun god.
According to Ancient Greek customs, friends and family will visit each other and light a new house fire, calling upon goddess Hestia (the goddess of the hearth, of the right ordering of domesticity and the family, who received the first offering at every sacrifice in the household), to save them in the new coming year of light.
On Winter Solstice, you should bring a new candle and light from it all the candles in your house, celebrating the return of Horned God, God of Sun.

This sticker is a very simple, Blessed Yule, with some snowflakes and pentagrams.
Black letters, with gentle white glow. Looks best on dark backgrounds.
Look below for a preview...

The original sticker is without background.

And I wish you as well, all the best.

Blessed be.