*Nomi's Monocholy* ~ *Reflective Room*

Derived from own my mesh created by DarkReaper located here:


The mesh at the above link IS Derivable! ^_~.

This room has a main room with huge *Picture* windows on walls and a windowed ceilings, offering a great view of the outdoors and the sky from the inside, no matter where you are in the room It has stairs and a *Platform* with railing leading off the main room and then the platform leads to another room that has picture windows as well, this other room has a slanted style roof. There are texture panels for the ground area outdoors of the room to texture the ground as you wish. Or add black to take the ground completely out. Includes an animated room surround of a starry sky with animated clouds and a Moon If you are very observant, you will notice there are some things that you can do differently with this mesh and your textures. I'm anxiously waiting to see who will discover the difference! ^_~. More images to come soon.

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Thank you so much for your patronage. It IS appreciated!! ~Nomi

Nomi's Monocholy Room Imvu, Nomikjustkaty *Nomi's Monocholy* room catty description, imvu. Copyright [c] Katy Aretxabaleta 2012

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