#message-stack div.messageStackReward{display:none;} #ticker-swf {display:none;} .jello-box .bd {background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-top-style: hidden; border-right-style: hidden; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-left-style: hidden;} #leaderboard{display:none;} #product-buttons-sub { background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none!important; background-repeat: repeat!important; } #imvu-bc { background-color: transparent!important; } #product-developer-banner {background-color: transparent!important;}/*--------DONT EDIT BEFORE THIS LINE----*/ #product h1{color:yellow!important;}html{background-color:transparent!important;}/*----Blue header with thumbnail----*/#product-details{background-color: transparent !important;background-image: url(http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s225/imvusintek/sintekproductpageheader.jpg) !important;}/*----text color----*/.bd{color: yellow;}/*----Links----*/a:link, a:visited{color: #FFFF00;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;}a:hover{color: green;font-weight: bold;}/*----the box that says "creator tools"----*/#product-developer div{background-color: black!important;}/*----the box on bottom with the 2nd buy button----*/#product-buttons-sub{background-color: black!important;background-image: none!important;background-repeat: repeat!important;}/*----product price----*/#product-price font, #product-price-sub font{color: #FFFF00;} /*----tabheader backgrounds----*/#product .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd {background-color: black!important;}/*----buy now button background color*/#product-buttons #buy_now, #product-buttons-sub #buy_now_sub, #add_to_cart, #add_to_cart_sub{background-color: black!important;}/*buy now button font color*/.btn-submit {color: yellow!important;}/*----Background----*/body{ background-color: transparent;background-image: url(http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s225/imvusintek/backgruond.jpg);background-repeat: repeat;background-attachment: scroll;background-x-position: 0%;background-y-position: 0%;}

Oh wow I love this, well I would say that, I made it lol
Ok basically this new avatar is completely invisible, you can do as you do with your avatar now, dress it, alter its hair ect but as you will see in the below picture that actual avatar remains completely invisible. this is very useful if you are in a green room with another user, capturing screen shots for a sticker, you can make your avatar invisible by adding using this one so you can take pictures from any angle without yours getting in the way. It also looks freaky with clothes, glasses jewelry ect. Have a play, hope you like it and find it useful.
1 April 08 I have resubmitted this product updating using the new previewer. Also please remember that due to the nature of IMVU if you use this skin which has a lot of opacity and stand by another item which also uses opacity it may either show the ghost of that item or a part of your avatar, this is a flaw in IMVU whihc can not be helped. for best results strip your avatar naked of all clothes, skins, hair ect.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Some examples of my other products.