This product looks as a fast and easy made product. It's not. It was my
intention to make it look like this. So "easy" made looking. This is
just the way aliens look. And yes they are green. and they do have big
black eyes.

So now you can look like an Alien on imvu. Just to show that you believe
that they really are out there or to freak people out. Or maybe just for

This product looks great with KittenKat's "Tall 4" product. It will make
the Alien taller. I tried it and it looks great. You can find here "Tall 4"
product here .

I made this product out if scratch. And believe me it was hard, but after
a long time I finaly got it up and ready. I might update this avatar in the future
with fixing the shoulders and hands. Also I will make accesories for this avatar.

As a bonus this product also has sounds. The trigger words are:
AP "We come in peace"
AF "Do not fear us"
AL "Bring me to your leader"
lol "Hahahahahahahahaaaaa"

I spoke in all those lines myself and edited it so it would sound more
like an Alien.


- I had a lot of problems with the weightering of this product. But I got
it at now as good as I can get for the moment. there are some small issues
though. The shoulders look a little bit odd sometimes and the hands look a
bit odd sometimes.
- This avatar has NO facial expresions. The eyes don't blink and the mouth
doesn't move!
- Because this avatar is smaller and different from the male and female
avatar, many product for the male and female avatar may not work or will not
look good with this avatar!! There are some products that will work with this
avatar but there just a few!!
- There is a male and a female version of this avatar. The ONLY difference
between them is that with the male avatar you can wear male clothes, hairs
and accessories and with the female avatar you can wear female clothes, hairs
and accessories that MAY work with this avatar!
highly recomended. To be sure that you like this product just use the try it.
- If there are any unknow issues with this product please contact me about it
and give me the time to fix them and don't leave a bad revieuw if you haven't
contacted me or given me the time to fix it. Thank You.
- There are NO refunds!! If you bought it and you are not satisfied about it
don't ask me for a refund because I already clearly said that you should try
it before you buy it.

Have fun with this product!!