The mighty 4th generation Naval Combat Carrier of the Terran Imperial Navy is the true power of the empire, carrying fighters, bombers, and dropships full of troops. 900x600x120 meters of armored, heavily armed muscle, when these babies showed up in most combat zones, things got real quiet real fast... From a series of starship designs I did years ago, there are influences from popular anime series as well as practical considerations. This room is huge, too... but low enough kbs to load easy, with a few hundred furniture nodes, including two nodes way out front to put models or other furniture ships on, and several nodes on the hull to put cannons, missile launchers, whatever. 5 decks total. Topmost is the command bridge. On the next level down, from front to rear... fighter hangar with launch tubes, habitat deck, shuttle hangar, Engine Room. Fully compatible with just about anything you want to add, and with just about any genre of Sci Fi roleplay from Trek to SW to SG and more. If you derive, please use your own textures and be creative. Custom oreders available, and watch my catalog for more... the Terran Empire and Kelvassi lines are going to be extending by leaps and bound, with over a dozen classes of ships and plenty of consoles, hangar accessories, and auxilliary vessels to match. Thanks for you support, and have fun!