Photobucket A cute, beautiful Tall Gold Framed Portrait with a pic i took of another Storyline me and my two sweet best friends, my son and our friend Aseama do where I get to play a little kid again. This is our FairyGodfamily Storyline, in it my son and our best friend Aseama RP my parents and i RP their daughter ^^. They're in a cute old fashioned Family Portrait pose where they are cuddled up together. In the Portrait are our 3 main FairyGodfamily Storyline characters. They are my Dad FairyGodfather (my son), my Mom FairyGodmama (our friend Aseama) and their sweet little Baby Blue Fairy Angel Princess Daughter they named Little Fantsy (me) ^^. Hope you like it guys! ^^. Please Try before you Buy and if you like the product please leave a review. Thank You. :)