The most basic ability of this kekkei genkai is immunity to all forms and types of poison, meaning that the wielder is unable to die from poison ingestion. A wielder of this technique also has the ability to inject and extract poison from a target at will by simply touching them. Through this touch, the user can transfer a set amount of poison, meaning that a longer contact will infect the target with more poison. One of the most flexible abilities of this kekkei genkai is the ability to secrete any type of poison from the pores on the body. This creates an invisible layer of poison on their skin which will automatically poison whoever comes in contact with them. This also acts as a psychological tool, as well, because an opponent will be wary to hit someone who they may think is covered in poison. The final, yet most powerful ability that this kekkei genkai grants it's wielders is the ability to create poison in their body and spit it out of their mouth. This allows the user to use mid-long range attacks to poison the enemy and the surrounding area rather than short range "exchanges" of poison.