The Yin–Yang Release (陰陽遁, Onmyōton) techniques make simultaneous use of Yin Release and Yang Release. Yin relates to one's spiritual energy and Yang relates to one's physical energy and it's necessary to utilise both of these in order to mould chakra for ninjutsu. According to Yamato, the manipulation of Yin and Yang is the source of non-elemental techniques such as the Shadow Imitation Technique, Multi-Size Technique, medical ninjutsu, genjutsu, etc. The Sage of the Six Paths had such a mastery over the Yin–Yang Release that he used Yin to make his dreams take form, and then used Yang to make his fantasies real. He could even make them come to life. According to Tobi, the Sage's ability was called Creation of All Things (万物創造, Banbutsu Sōzō), which he employed to create the tailed beasts out of the chakra from the Ten-Tails. The technique Izanagi is based on this ability.