Deep green ribbons and a glittery green and white bow add sparkle to your hair and a festive flair to your winter and holiday fashions! Check out my elegant green moire products to wear with it(evening gown,long skirt, poet shirt,lacy roses top) or pair it with your own fashion sense! Have Fun!Enjoy - Hugs,Care  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowSideSWcl_zpsd391c8f1.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowClBkSW_zps50881f56.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowClSideSW_zps69355f9e.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowFlSWbk_zps7c42a73b.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowFlSWclSi_zpsf4154780.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowFlSWfr_zpsbe11434e.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowFlSWsiCl_zps154b788e.jpg  photo ElegantGrnSilvBowFlSWsiFrcl_zps71641108.jpg Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket