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SDR Hearthfire Seasonal

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Hearthfire is a cottage/cabin featuring reflective flooring and seasonal environment upon derive. You can by changing up a few textures as provided or with your own create a winter (default), summer, spring or fall scene. Change the background image and lighting and you can have day, dusk, dawn or night. The snow layers can be removed completely or even replaced with a rain effect. Leaves can be added to the trees and flowers can be brought into bloom. Have fun with the endless possibilities provided by SDR Hearthfire Seasonal.

Hearthfire also features no exterior walls so that nothing obstructs the view of the inner walls and activity inside. This kind of viewing is not normally available to rooms of this nature. As a further innovation exterior walls are available as a special furniture item that features easy placement and can be stored out of the way in the room itself by placing the walls on top of the skydome. Follow the product link below for more details.

Starter Textures

These textures are provided as a basis for use with this product.

Material 11 - Summer Grass

Not visible by default - load the following texture and opacity - do not turn on blending or two sided

Material 50 - Summer Daisies

Not visible by default - load the following texture and opacity - do not turn on blending or two sided

Material 51 - Summer Flower

Not visible by default - load the following texture and opacity - do not turn on blending or two sided

Material 30 - Tree Leaves

Not visible by default - load the following texture and opacity - do not turn on blending or two sided

Material 29 - Grass and Snow

Material 49 - Backdrop

Material 52 - Snow Effect

Load the following texture and opacity - use settings shown

Material 52 - Rain Effect

Load the following texture and opacity - use settings shown

Material 52 - No Snow/Rain Effect

Remove the snow/rain effect - load the following texture and opacity - use settings shown - use texture for both texture and opacity

spotter design concepts

BG Designz