Yeah Yeah, so I went a bit crazy with this mesh, but it's just such a fun piece of furniture I couldn't resist making a bunch of them, lol! There are 13 Christmas ones to commemorate the "12 Days of Christmas" (yes I know there are only 12 days of cmas, but I made 13), ;P & a couple other holidays, as well as more holidays to come if these sell well, yay! They come with 2 sexy "pin-up" type poses, perfect for gifts, taking those sexy pictures or even making stickers, all wrapped up in vintage papers, with real satin ribbons tied in a pretty bow ready for all your celebrations, so much fun! *Merry Christmas Everyone! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Products by: LizzieBorden

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