Texas Collection

Complete Bedroom Set

With 6 poses on the bed plus 4 sitting nodes.....

Texasbedroompic1.jpg picture by Mutssss

Texasbedroompic4.jpg picture by Mutssss

Texasbedroompic3.jpg picture by Mutssss

Texasbedroompic2.jpg picture by Mutssss

Texasbedroompic5.jpg picture by Mutssss

Matching furniture you can find below....

Click on the icons for more pics.....

[my]Texas Sofa 6 Poses [my]Texas Chat Table [my]Texas Potted Plant [my]Texas Fire Place

[my]Texas Sauna Kit Anim [my]Texas Bathroom Set [my]Texas Chaise Lounge [my]Texas Bar with Poses

[my]Texas BedRoom Set [my]Texas Couche 10 Pose [my]Texas Shower Room [my]Texas Floor Lamp

Matching wolves villa.....Or the bundle with a big discount....

[my]Texas Wolves Villa  [my]Bundle Texas Villa

texaswolvesvillapic5.jpg picture by Mutssss

texaswolvesvillapic1.jpg picture by Mutssss

