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Not the most elaborate red eyes out there, but they do indeed have "flare" to them. I was told that the first thing my mom said after giving birth to my sister was "I see hell in this childs eyes" lol That little line there inspired these eyes. You can't see it in the image, but when you click the little try on button, in the dressingroom you'll be able to tell that the eyes glitter a bit with the colours of fire. The glitter is just small enough that if it was any tinier you wouldnt notice it at all. They have no shines in them which I meant to add to the souless, dead posessed dude look. They self iluminate, and also are focused a tad upwards to give you a constant catwalk leer effect without your avy actually having to tilt his head downwards at all. A hot little trick I picked up. I don't refund, so I suggest you try these on.
Uh... it doesn't do them justice, but here's a screenshot anyhow.
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