A male avatar.

Here we have a basic male avatar.

Unlike the defaults, this one has a skintight waist. No more bulky pants
that cover up boots and stuff I'm testing.

That's it. I just wanted a male avatar without the default pants.
Nothing special. =P

However, I have thrown in triggers for the default standing poses, just
to spruce things up a bit.

Triggers are pose0 - pose8 for the default poses, and
test1, test2 for the default IMVU test animation at
2 different speeds.

Finally there's testring to test the problem with 2 of the left
ring fingers having the same name in the default avatar skeleton.

I have also added testringnew to show if a product is experiencing
issues with the updated skeleton. If it is, you will see odd behavior from the
left ring finger when you use this trigger.

This avatar uses a composite skin for his underwearz, so those will stay
until you equip something that replaces the chest and hips.

I have also made a female one because why not:

Enjoy!!! ^_^