My Diamond Animated Stamp
x0xDiamond Couture:

Type: Stamp/Sticker
Description: My lovely Diamond, who i'll love for the rest of my life! I made this sticker dedicated to her after her mysterious disappearence on Oct 3rd! I love you my little baby! You were there when no-one else was! I had you in my life for over 8 years, you mean the world to me! I love you so much! *Kisses and hugs* Now you shall be on my page forever and ever, and always in my heart! xx
I made this for myself (pokes description) but if you want you can have it aswell! She was the founder of my avatar name! =] You are a gem Diamond! xoxoxox

Actual image and size below

PLEASE do not steal this sticker and claim it as your own! This is an actual photo of her I took, it's one of my favs! It means a lot to me! x'{

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