Awesome posing posing shelve cubicle /or boxes which ever youmay prefer,set with some delightfull poses so you can customise your profiles or what ever u may need it for,,enjoy PLEASE NOTE ;This product is more for females then it is for males but you are welcomed to purchase the product as a gift or what ever u may want it for IF YOU ARE A MALE.. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU TRY THIS PRODUCT BEFORE YOU BUY,,ty please leave me a review as theyare so important to us devs ty so much. heres a pic of what the actuall product looks like.. Photobucket NOTE;,HERE IS MY BANNER V,please support me and place or paste this in any of your homepage panels ,i gift those that do ,,ty Photobucket Simply message me and i shall send you the code and your FREE gift!!! Have a very nice day visioal , ty for shopping with me