This enhanced bodysuit was completely made by me, in 3ds max. You won't find another one like this in the catalog! I hope you like it, please derive! :) She has sexy curvy hips, a tiny waist, and a larger and lifted chest and butt. :) She reminds me of a film vixen from the 30's and 40's! The breakeven price is really low too, so you can make more profit when you derive. :D

A little note about where the legs connect to the feet, when you load it into the create mode, it does look like there is a small gap, but it seems that putting on most other feet or shoes, etc, the gap completely dissapears. I'm working on a fix for it, but in all honesty, it really does not affect the mesh other than that little tiny gap that is not there for most other shoes and feet. A lot of other enhanced meshes have this error as well.

- Love, Dreamy