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"Here, Da-day."

"Uhh . . . what's this?", you say as your little girl slips the childish wristband
over your hand, a very serious look on her face.

"It's my panda. For good luck."

You look at her for long moments, but decide not to question, kissing her on the forehead.
"Thanks, baby. Don't worry, and be good, okay? I'll be back to pick you both up."

"Bye! =D"


It was 'sposed to be a fun Halloween night.

Drop little Hazika and Kamau off at the Halloween party your cousin's throwing with a bunch
of the other neighborhood kids. Call Lina on your cell, wish her luck with the show she's acting in tonight --
not sure what that was about, something about being the lead vampire hunter. Some kinda' big deal, at least to her.
Then, it's off to the club with a couple of buddies for some drinks.


All it takes, you learn, is some creepy idiot with a skin-bound book to ruin a rare night of relaxation.
Next thing you know, your old pal from out of state is in pieces. Some of him,
unfortunately, is in your 'fro, but you're trying real hard not to think about that.

You got other worries. All of downtown is in flames, and you're running the streets, slicing through
the endless hordes of demons and zombies munching their way uptown.

A bad night. "At least you got up out of there", you think to yourself as you start up the van.
But there's still Hazika and Kamau to pick up, and then Lina to get out from midtown.
Hopefully you'll get all of them well ahead of the demons.

Damn. It's gonna be a loooooong night.