Personal sound effects item. All voice effects on here are MALE (may do a female version, dunno yet. Message me if you want one, or if you have other sound ideas. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE JUST SOUNDS, not animations. Your avi doesn't DO anything, you just HEAR the sounds.


coff1 - single cough

coff2 - double cough

coff3 - somewhat extended coughing

ahem - guy clearing throat

cel - cellphone rings twice

lvrm - footsteps running away, door slams

cashr - modern (digital) cash register totals up some stuff and prints receipt.

cumbak - toilet flushes, water runs, footsteps run back, person flops down in seat

jusback - "just back" "cumbak" without the bathroom noises. Door slams, footsteps run back, person flops down in seat

snz - single sneeze

munch - guy bites something and chews

slurp - guy slurps at a drink and swallows

workn - hand-sawing wood, followed by hammering of nails

ywn - guy yawning

Note: "lvrm" and "cumbak" are great for going "brb" and returning.

(Invisible Item)

Grey's Mercantile Policies:

REFUNDS - The last refund I gave was to Methuselah's grand-dad when he was a boy. I paid him off in shekels, some shiny beads, and a goat. Don't count on getting the NEXT refund. The Try-It feature is there for your use, please USE IT. By the way, the goat ran away and came back to ME....if there's a moral in that, I'm not sure what it is, but you can bet it works out in my favour.

QUESTIONS - I'll gladly answer any questions you may have, provided (1) you ask civilly and (2) I know the answers (questions like "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK?" will likely be ignored). I'll also happily consider custom work or custom versions of my products. I don't usually charge custom dev fees, provided the work isn't too extensive, and of course, provided I can sell the item or a generic version of it in my catalog.