This is a real-time current streaming radio, and it lists/plays ANIME RADIO music STATIONS ONLY: (Real time music will play because it is connected via the net) o.O You will only see placement spots and when you stand on it a small bar will show up giving you the options of what anime stations you want to listen to. You can move the placement spots to a furniture in your rooms that you or your guest can activate by standing on it. Also here is the list of Anime Stations on here: Anime ID, Keichi Extreme Anime, AnimeNFO Radio, XAM/FM Fresh JPOP, Big B J-Channel, AnimeRadio SU, Armitages Dimensions, Big B KPop, Rebel Entertainment, Jpopsuki EU, The bar will have a start stop play buttons and the navigation bar of Anime Stations are easy to use. You can listen to music by yourself or with friends. Try it and test it first before purchase and enjoy. As of 12/21/11, all stations listed work just fine. Also keep in mind your internet connection speed can be a factor as well. Try and test.