Triggers are: (LeftB2, left, <), (RightB2, right, >), (Straightb2; Straight, s), (ReadyB2, ReadyZR6B2, ReadyZR6), Horn, (StartEnginb2, StartEngin, StartEnginVette, StartEnginVetteB2, StartEnginZR6, StartEnginZR6B2), Radio*, Radio**, Radio***, (Startb2, StartVette, StartVetteB2, RunVette, RunVetteB2, StartZR6, StartZR6B2), (Sb2, ss), (Lb2, q), (Rb2, d), (StopB2, StopZR6, StopZR6B2), (GoB2, GoVette, GoVetteB2, GoZR6, GoZR6B2), (drift, dd), (stopwblue2, StopWheels, StopWheelsVette, StopWheelsVetteB2, b, break, StopZR6, StopZR6B2), (Gob2!, GoVette!, GoVetteB2!, GoZR6!, GoZR6b2!)

... Black/Blue Animated SuperCar done for the FAST&FURIOUS room...


Triggers are: (LeftB2, left, <), (RightB2, right, >), (Straightb2; Straight, s), (ReadyB2, ReadyZR6B2, ReadyZR6), Horn, (StartEnginb2, StartEngin, StartEnginVette, StartEnginVetteB2, StartEnginZR6, StartEnginZR6B2), Radio*, Radio**, Radio***, (Startb2, StartVette, StartVetteB2, RunVette, RunVetteB2, StartZR6, StartZR6B2), (Sb2, ss), (Lb2, q), (Rb2, d), (StopB2, StopZR6, StopZR6B2), (GoB2, GoVette, GoVetteB2, GoZR6, GoZR6B2), (drift, dd), (stopwblue2, StopWheels, StopWheelsVette, StopWheelsVetteB2, b, break, StopZR6, StopZR6B2), (Gob2!, GoVette!, GoVetteB2!, GoZR6!, GoZR6b2!)

Racing room to finally see your fav cars run around in amazing driving actions. Place the cars by the start line. Trigger is then "START".

Here are the cars I made for this room:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Who said a car was done only to drive around ? ;) Check this pose to add to them:


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