{|S|} Animated $20 Gold Piece (Female)


This is an old liberty head $20 gold piece, circa 1854, with a coin flipping animation and a knuckle juggle animation. On command, you can twirl this coin around your fingers or flip it into the air. Just remember, this coin always lands on heads. The commands are: "CoinRow" and "CoinFlip"

PLEASE NOTE: This version is designed for FEMALE avis ONLY! It won't fit, or even work, with male avis. It also might not fit custom avis, such as ones with new hand shapes. As such, TRY IT before you BUY IT! There will be NO REFUNDS if you buy it and find that it doesn't work with your avi. There is a separate version in the catalog for male avis. Buy the correct one for your , and use TRY IT before you BUY IT. I hope you like it.




If you enjoy this product, please visit my catalog page here. Always try products before making a purchase, as there are no refunds.