OH yes, the legendary NoTelle Motelle, usually located just outside town, right by a state-line, or within easy driving distance of the airport. Great for Friday-afternoon rendezvous or weekend getaways from prying eyes.

See below for sound triggers, more pics, and details.

A lot of words could describe this sh**hole, and "elegant" isn't one of them. If you renovated the hell outta this joint, it might come up to "shabby" or "rundown". As it is, though, it's at best cheap and sleazy. The kind of place that has a condom machine in the office, and the maids come around to ask if you want clean sheets every hour. Good place for you and your secretary to put in some quality time - uh, talking business, of course - what did you THINK??

Sound Triggers:

carz - sound of cars starting, doors slamming, horn, etc. (just what you need when you're trying to sleep in)

vibe - coin inserted, vibrating bed (ah, those magic fingers, eh?)

argue - muffled argument heard through wall (sure, you've been there, and so has this couple. Just loud enough to keep you awake, but muffled so you can't even hear enough to get interested in the argument).

traffic - highway traffic noises

ding - desk bell rings twice

ice - noisy icemaker sound (usually from right outside MY DOOR, hehe)

Grey's Mercantile Policies:

REFUNDS - The last refund I gave was to Methuselah's grand-dad when he was a boy. I paid him off in shekels, some shiny beads, and a goat. Don't count on getting the NEXT refund. The Try-It feature is there for your use, please USE IT. By the way, the goat ran away and came back to ME....if there's a moral in that, I'm not sure what it is, but you can bet it works out in my favour.

QUESTIONS - I'll gladly answer any questions you may have, provided (1) you ask civilly and (2) I know the answers (questions like "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK?" will likely be ignored). I'll also happily consider custom work or custom versions of my products. I don't usually charge custom dev fees, provided the work isn't too extensive, and of course, provided I can sell the item or a generic version of it in my catalog.