Beautiful gossamer curtains surround this bed made of oak. Soft paisley sheets and a teal comforter warm you on a cold night. Several poses allow you to share this wonderful bed on a cold morning meant for enjoying a day of leisure! Wood and tile platform adds elegance to your bedroom. Colors and textures compliment my SpanishStyleFireplace and PuebloStyle nicely. Bed will also look gorgeous in any mansion,castle,or home where you want to feel like a princess! Enjoy and stay warm :-) Hugs,Care Shown in BlueRidgeEstate by OracleGoddess; KokopelliCastleKeep, ConvertedBarnHome, and PuebloStyle by carefreeme; Also shown: WolfSet1 by ATsvSDvLight; VerdeGrisWallCandle, NozomiTurqNBlack, FantaziaCorset, SkyBlueTurquoiseNecklace, RetroPlumLeopardMoira by carefreeme: VerdeGrisWallCandle SkyBlueTurquoiseNecklace ConvertedBarnHome ConvertedBarnHome