Caribocean sac

To pick the right color please make sure you try before you buy !
This bag (sac a main in French) is made of a luxurious blue fabric... The color was inspired by the color of the gold that remain hidden in the Caribbean sea hehe ... The bag has a diamond clasp in the shape of a Martinique logo ! Inside you will find Euro notes, a unique credit card and a cell phone....
Please TRY before you buy !

Pour eviter toute erreur de coloris, essayez avant achat !
Le sac dont la couleur est inspirée par celle des pieces d'or coulees au fond de la mer Caraibe, étonnera vos amies car il contient un telephone portable, une carte de credit ainsi que 600 Euros en billets de 100 !

Le fermoir en diamant est en forme de carte de la Martinique stylisee.

Les mots cles afin d'utiliser les poses et animations sont listees sur cette page mais sont en anglais...
Cadeau parfait pour les touristes Européennes chic !

En cas de probleme de fonctionnement cliquez sur l'enveloppe afin de contacter le createur du produit original.
Essayez avant d'acheter !
Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow

Use the commands to show off your stuff:

- OPEN - Open the handbag -
- CLOSE - Close the handbag -
- PHONE - Draw the phone -
- ANSWER - Answer your phone -
- TEXT - Look at your text -
- PHONEHOL - Put back your phone -
- MONEY - Draw $600 from your handbag -
- M1 - Pose 1 for the money/ credit card -
- M2 - Pose 2 for the money/ credit card -
- FAN - Is it getting... hot? Use your money or credit card as a fan! -
- MONEYHOL - Put your money back in the handbag -
- CCARD - Draw your credit card -
- CCARDHOL - Put your credit card back into the handbag -
- NE - Use this to neutralise any action you dont want to use anymore -
(It is advised to only have one accessory out at any one time, or the holding actions will clash. Use the Holster actions (MONEYHOL, PHONEHOL, and CCARDHOL) To put back accessories) Does actually work with both MALE and FEMALE avatars, but only use as a FEMALE avatar.
(The credit card has no official usable bank details on it,has been designed by me so it cannot be found in the real world and the user is a total invention too) Should you encounter a problem with the way the product function please contact LOL as it's the developper who created these animations !

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Vous avez donc vos Euros, si vous voulez aller au centre commercial (pour francophones et creolophones ) c'est par ici