Want to end the world? Have the ability to bring death and distruction to those around you? Have this thing for reading tarot cards and telling your friends you hate them? Then this necklace is for you! Made from a dragon's heart it beats in rythem with that of the giant dragon armor Escaflowne. Its also good at pointing people out in hide and seek o___O;

Hitomi Kanzaki is an ordinary highschool student who feels that her life has lost all meaning. She wishes that she could just disappear into thin air. She cannot understand how people can be so energetic, how they can go on through life when shes tierd all the time. She sleeps to escape reaility, to escape life, but when she wakes up everything is the same. The world moves on with or without her and no one noticed she had left. She just wants to disappear, vanish, to leave everything. Thus Folken is drawn to her. He calls her to Gaia for she is the chosen one, the one who will decide to end a world traped in blood, violance, and pain. Or to spare it. For an in depth story look PLEASE go to Tsubasa no Kami: Escaflowne Movie Story Its such a wonderful site!

Hitomi is my all time anime favorite character. I understand the feeling of confusiong, of wanting to give up. If someone leaves our world can forget them so easily. If we disapear the world can move on without skipping a beat. What then is the purpose to our existing? Would it be better if we werent here? There is so much pain and suffering ... What if you could make it all vanish... would you?

Escaflowne Uniform in Cosplay section! Will update soon!!!