CAN do! CAN do! This guy says the horse can do.... uh, well, in this case it's not the horse that CAN do, it's the new/old/ageless L'Espresseaux machine, now with sound to add that touch of realism your room, cafe, bar, club, or coffee shop needs so badly!! Inspired by the fine furnishings in the rooms of the lovely Gabriella1961, and the first one goes to her; but luckily for you, the rest are in the stores just in time for Black Friday and well in time for Christmas.

NOTE: This item does NOT include the table on which it is shown, and certainly it does not include my lovely fiancee Gabriella, who is not for sale at any price.

Sound Triggers:

pourit1 - hot coffee (or tea) being dispensed into cup

pourit2 - hot foamy espresso (or cocoa if you prefer) being dispensed

pourit3 - hot liquid pouring plus a little topoff dollop, then spoon stirring in cup

Grey's Mercantile Policies:

REFUNDS - The last refund I gave was to Methuselah's grand-dad when he was a boy. I paid him off in shekels, some shiny beads, and a goat. Don't count on getting the NEXT refund. The Try-It feature is there for your use, please USE IT. By the way, the goat ran away and came back to ME....if there's a moral in that, I'm not sure what it is, but you can bet it works out in my favour.

QUESTIONS - I'll gladly answer any questions you may have, provided (1) you ask civilly and (2) I know the answers (questions like "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK?" will likely be ignored). I'll also happily consider custom work or custom versions of my products. I don't usually charge custom dev fees, provided the work isn't too extensive, and of course, provided I can sell the item or a generic version of it in my catalog.