Cute sponge dude pet :p Comes with a buncha audio triggers to have fun and giggles with, sing along with yer sponge pet lol :3

Song1 (or Camp1 or Camp or Campfire1 or Campfire)
Song2 (or Camp2 or Campfire2)
Song3 (or Camp3 or Campfire3)
Song4 (or Camp4 or Campfire4)
Song5 (or Fun1 or Fun)
Song6 (or Fun2)
Song7 (or Fun3)
Song8 (or Fun4)
Song9 (or Fun5)
Song10 (or Fun6)
Song11 (or Fun7)
Song12 (or Goober1 or Goober)
Song13 (or Goober2)
Song14 (or Goober3)
Song15 (or Sponge1 or Sponge)
Song16 (or Sponge2)
Song17 (or Sponge3)
Song18 (or Square)

Plz try before u buy :3

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