This product has been edited so as
to abide by the virtual goods policy for
General Audience! 

Full outfit!!! Exclusively in this colour theme.. =D

5 amazing clothing pieces all included in this set!

You get 

1. an adorable and colourful baby gurl tube with highly detailed texture!

2. A baby gurl flower and sparks tattooo on the tummy!

3. A super funky mini skirt with a multi-coloured belt and tons of more details!

4. Highly glossy Jill/Doll shoes with a butterfly on the strap and muliticoloured
     glitter laces tied all the way up to the knee!!

5. Sexy printed lower undies (panties). You can see a hint of
     the back  the lower back!

So much in so less! 

Take home the  Ultimate Baby Gurl/Chic outfit now!!

Get other cool matching stuff here!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Also get the matching earings!!

Matching Earings and hair!

My shop =D

Random stuff.. o.o
