Hey next time someone tries to insult you by using a term that really means you are very selfish, you just tell them that the world DOES revolve around you (now ;P)! Well...because with this item, it literally does; not only does it do that and come with a sexy dance; it also has two musical excerpts that pertains to it (the world); it is simply cute as all get out! the music triggers are xx for (wonderful world) and zz for (what the world needs now). The wonderful animation doesn't have or need triggers just step in the bubble and go, its furniture, so make as many as you like; I am compelled to warn you though because of its heavy opacity, it makes the dancer appear to flash bald from time to time, this is the reason why I have kept the price low by taking less of a profit than I would normally have...Eureka! an idea I sell a bald head (for females) item (it comes with purple eyelashes)...hmmm if you bought that also, then it would seem you are only bald from that :P just kidding...well sorta...please remember with all my items: Try B4 U buy & enjoy!