This mask can be worn (and to much dramatic effect) by female or male avatars.

Players of Mardi Gras 3000 know that the 4D Celestials demand only the best.

Other masks are easier to come by... but do they have meaning? Other masks allow your own eyes to peer through... but are the meshes solid? I had to ask all of these questions and more when creating our complete line of Celestial masks. Because Celestials demand not just the best but true perfection. The full line will include more than four dozen masks with more than a dozen designs each available in one of ten eye colors. These masks do not replace your avatar's hair, ears or hair.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a serious MG3K player, then you will want a custom mask. I am more than willing to make these--even if only you want to ever be able to buy it. Choose your eyes color or colors, gather your mask images together (many or all collaged into one, and PM me on my homepage (link above).

Specifics about this mask: The design is real raspberry and blackberry leaves. The eyes (irises) are black and intense. These types of vine plants are durable, persistant and almost unstoppable. In the most natural way, they invade everything.