This product contains audio that is not part of IMVU's Music Mix Service and thus may be limited to a maximum of 20 secs of audio only.
I will be updating the audio to comply with a 20 second limitations in the near future even though it is already a legal audio track.

....trigger "spooky"

Features beautifully dark spooky ambient sound in the bacKground!

Sound plays only once!

To buy these candles but with a looping sound please visit HERE!
BR> These candles can be placed on a display table or their quirk can be exploited - they float!!!
use the trigger word SPOOKY to start the background ambiance
**see rights below image!

The sound in this item is available for derivation for commercial purposes under creative commons license "1 sampling"- you can see the rights for me to reproduce and derive its sound here . You are not allowed to flag this item as I have rights to use this sound in this manner. The sound has been altered as per the terms for its commercial use.

September 24th, 2007
ghost 1.wav