The Celtic Forest Home!

Welcome to The Celtic Forest Home! As you can see it is situated on a grassy hill surrounded by an amazing animated night sky. The tree itself is full of vibrant life and color, with deep reddish brown bark and three shades of green within the leaves. The hanging lanters are perfectly clear to better catch the light of the night sky and show the light of the fire flies within.

Each section of fence is lovingly carved in intricate celtic relief. The fencing matches the shade of the trees bark giving it unity. It is trimmed in a dark forest green glittering pattern. This wonderful forest home is full of celtic knotwork and designs. This also extends to the tree swing and the rest of the fencing surrounding this beautiful home. The fencing on the outer areas is unique, as it differs from the base fencing but is still intricate celtic design.

Enjoy adding furniture to the many levels and areas of this wonderful celtic home, but don't forget to notice the celtic knotwork lovingly rendered on the floors themselves. Finally what would a home among the trees be without an elevator to get up into it? This forest homes elevator has the same celtic design as the flooring and is brought up and down with vibrant and strong green vines!

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