Emerald MouthBone F by Tsumz

If you have an issue please check the note at the bottom of this page, it may answer your question. Not all items available may be shown in the preview image. I do not refund for false purchases. Please use the 'try it' feature to ensure you're buying the correct item and you recieve complete satisfaction.

[Female MouthBones] [Male MouthBones]

Please always check your opposite gender's inventory if you cannot find an item you have purchased. If you have an issue please do not leave a review - it will not fix your problem. If you cannot try an item on it usually means the item is hidden - however you will always be buying what you see in the picture as the avatars themselves are unedited. If you find any broken links/images please report them to me. I appreciate your support and hope you enjoy my work. Please don't forget to leave a review. Thanks.