MM~ Victorian Formal Suit - Pants (Bottom)

The Jacket and Pants were created as part of the Dan Hillier inspired Group Bundle. Links are provided below for your convenience. I have also created the matching hat and shoes for my own use but you may be interested in them as well. The Jacket sports smart long tails with tailored stitching on the back as well as a small black back belt with hanging silver chain. A silver chain on the lace brocade vest with a dangling silver pocket watch. The silk cravat has a beautiful pink gem in a silver setting and a pink lace kerchief is in the chest pocket. The jacket, pants and hat are all made of matching dark plum pinstriped fabric. The hat has a jaunty pink feather and a brocade hat band, and the black leather shoes have the matching buckle and chain detail from the back of the jacket. The pants are straight legged with a black belt and silver buckle. Please note that all 4 pieces are sold separately (top, pants, hat, shoes). Please view catalog image and name to ensure you are purchasing the item you desire or better yet try before you buy as there can be no refunds.
Links and Images located below for your convenience.
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