This trendy striped tanktop is a great edition to your wardrobe. It’s great for any season and you can match it up with lots of different clothes and accessories to achieve different looks.

This top is lovely shade of pink that can match well with the princess style. The colour was inspired by bubblegum.

*This product will make your female avatar's bust the size displayed in the thumbnail.
*Try the product on before buying it.
*The product thumbnail was designed to adequately display the product to catalogue browsers. If they are interested by the thumbnail of the product, they can then try it on and decide if they want to buy it.

Why does this product belong in General Audience?:
According to Imvu's content policy, clothing products must pass what is known as the "Leaf Test". Imvu has provided developers with a skin which has leaves(like on plants) covering the sections of the body that wouldn't be considered PG13. The Leaf Test is done by placing the clothing product over the leaves. If the leaves can be seen, even with the clothing item placed on top, that product then belongs in the AccessPass Only portion of Imvu. If the leaves are hidden by the clothing item, it has passed the Leaf Test and thereby belongs in the General Audience Catalogue.

This product belongs in the General Audience section of the catalogue for the following reasons: It has passed the Leaf Test. The clothing item covers "The Reds" and 50% of "The Oranges", as defined under Imvu's Minimum Coverage guidelines. The product is in line with the Minimum Coverage guidelines. The product image displays the product. The thumbnail respectably displays the avatar's full torso from neck to hips. The product description is rated PG13 or under. The Virtual Goods Policy does not restrict breast sizes. Breasts that are covered and respect the minimum coverage guidelines are acceptable to the General Audience.

Assuming or accusing breasts of being purely sexual, based on their size, is discriminatory, a human rights violation, and can qualify as sexual harassment and abuse.

The intent of this product is simply to serve as tasteful clothing for women of above average breast size.

Some Information About the Size:
The breasts are so big that during some arm animations, the arms will go through them.
There is some pixel stretching with this size that is beyond any developer's control. The pixel stretching (or blockiness) is caused by the 3d model which this product is derived from. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of derivation and derivable products, you may find some information elsewhere on the site.
You may wonder what size these breasts actually are when translated to real life measurements. This 3d model was based on the bust of a real life busty model. The real life model it was based on has a 153" bustline with each breast weighing 26 lbs.