Japanese rock garden, or Zen garden is an enclosed shallow sandbox containing sand, gravel, rocks, and occasionally grass or other natural elements. The main elements of karesansui are rocks and sand, with the sea symbolized not by water but by sand raked in patterns that suggest rippling water. Found at most temples, and symbolizing a Buddhist tradition of Zen.

This is a type of stone usually used in these gardens. Can be added to any garden, and create your own version of your rock garden using the various types of rocks and stones available in my catalog. You can make the garden as big or small as you want. To show off in your yard, or make as a neat table display.

To get stones how you want, remember to utilize your room decorating options to place items. Just hold the SHIFT Or CTRL button while in GRAB mode. This will allow you to raise, lower, or slide items from side to side.

TO BE USED WITH ZEN GARDEN SAND to make your own stone arrangements.


Links to other Rocks and stones
Zen Rock V1
Zen rock V2
Zen stone V1 - earth
Zen stone V2 - black

Example below of possible stone arrangement

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