MM~ Custom Shaded Ciria - Black Ice

Ever seen a hair style in Real Life that you would just Die to have? Well this is the one that does it for me. So I was meticulous when i created the shading for this style because i knew it would be one of my standard favourites. I played with the mesh and decided that the streaks at the back of the head just did not do it for me. So i played with it until i got it just the way i like. The over all colour is complementary to the contrasting streaks and the streaks themselves have been designed with a 2:1 ration. That means that for the 8 streaks of one colour that there is there are exactly 4 of the contrasting colour. Why you might wonder is that important? Well you know that "zebra look" that people mention in uncomplimentary terms? My goal was to make this very modern looking with out it being over done. Created in 3 stunning shades. Please check icon image to ensure you are purchasing the product you desire.
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