Are you in desperate need to get away after the summer ? Are you dreaming about a romantic oasis to escape and run away to with that special someone? The Romance family home bundle features a modern living space with breathtaking sunset views, lush natural surroundings, and lavish accommodations, a tranquil place to shut out the world and spend some special time together! This passion pack includes all these essential amenities:

• A cozy living room and sitting area with plush couch.
• A home office--perfect for when it's “get down to business” time.
• A dining table set for four with all sorts of special poses.
• Relax on the hammock while watching the beautiful sunset with your special someone.
• Have fun with friends by the pool, where you can take a swim, lay back on our floating airbed.
• Cook and dine on decadent food with your special someone by the back yard.
• Entertain your sweetie with some friendly jokes and stories.
• Embrace your lover on the Love Bed to rekindle your love for each other.
• Feel the lush, green grass beneath your feet as you travel across the lawn.
• Be mesmerized by the breathtaking sunset views.

The Romance Family Home, a special place to be shared with that special someone.

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