This Sticker is to Represent my Home town and yours. It represents the Past, Present and Future of Asbury Park NJ! From the Old days of the Palace Amusements and the Casino. The Berkley Carteret and Paramont Concert Hall. A day when you could walk the boardwalk and play games and take a Swan ride on the lake. Then the RIOTS that tore asbury park apart at the seams and turned it into what it is now. A place that you think twice befor entering in the day letalone the night. A place where you get what you want and dont when it comes to Hookers and . A haven for gangbangers, pushers, thugs and theives! To the Future,Currently underway, The rebuilding and cleansing to restore Asbury Park NJ to Its Original Splendor. Say it loud, Say it Proud! Im From Asbury Park NJ And Im Proud to help REBUILD!