Infernal Nebula Lulu IS HOT as U know! Looks like wrapped and beaded hair, (OMG this would cost a fortune to get done in real life) You have got to try it on to really see the detail! I will try to match the stix later (still learning) this is a very detailed hair goes with Infernal Beaded Outfit (Dress. boots, wings, lulu hair, AND NOW DRAGON KANNA AND RED DRAGON WITH SEATS!) so look em up and please leave a review! Feel the Burn! (evil laughter)^VXV^PROMOTION: If i see my banner on your page, and my stuff in your wish list you could find a surprise gift in your messages! >>>>>>>See all my Gothic Fantasy products here! VXVampirekiss products (For use in forums and groups) [url=][img][/img][/url]