Happy bday Mizz B you have earned to have the best day of your life your my bff and you have guided meh threw the most deadly and the most sad you are my sholder to cry on wen i need you you are allways there Mizz B I wanna thank you for everything you have done i know its not much but you did stuff for meh that noone would ever do you took a dieing boy and made him a awsome Friend and leader and a proud sponcer of God and his holey word god i ask you this fine day to give this lovly lady the best dayof her life if anyone knows how much this lady has earnedit you do derhavenly father plz protect her and her family and let it be a day for her and that there be no drama and in your holy holy presos name AMEN! Happy Bday Mizz B :D Muahs <3