Dungeon Sewer Grate by Whystler

This item was originally published as part of the "Dungeon of Doom" bundle offered as an IMVU credit promotion on September 27th 2007. At the moment, IMVU's technology for producing bundles of rooms pre-furnished with furniture items is not available for content creators. So, you will fend for yourself and use your creativity to create your own dungeons with these pieces! Woohoo! What Fun! You can do this by sorting through Whystler's catalogue and buying the dungeon base and pieces separately, or making sure you have all your bits covered and buying the whole package bundled together.

Because of it's unusual style, you would be smart to at least stop by the bundled package product page for some tips that will help you get started building your dungeon. Find it by clicking HERE

I saw eyes moving in that sewer, I swear!