Vampire Bat Rider

Vampire Bat Rider...You and Your Vampire lover can have a romantic flight in the night skies...The bat looks so awesome..You have to take a look...You cruise around the room....great for any room or Halloween scene....Happy Halloween!!...ENJOY!!...located in your furniture section..

please TRY before you buy!!




Touch touching kiss kissing kissed kisses love loved hug hugs hugged sexy sexier sexiest lovers feel feeling spank spanking whip whipped kinky sexual sit stand kneel kneeling submissive dominant poke fun pose posing animated animation dance dancing dancer club bar room flirt flirting date dating kissable sliding run walk shake shaking wiggle wiggling roleplay vampire bite biting bitten necking hicky tougue tung romantic romance romancing picture DOC photo couples couple single disco hiphop fashion model move moving punk licks licking grabbing grab play playing hot strip stripping pop poping breakdance master mistress slave king queen vamp caress cuddle hold holding wedding march popular new posers naughty bad clawing score scoring fly flying floating jump hop skip passion passionate mad sad joking laugh laughing happy fun funny shuffle tease teasing teaser dark control controlling hot yummy nibble nibbling makeout makingout French tongue wild blush lust lustful huggy master mistress sub dom submissive dominant fight warrior goddess throw bms suck caressing cuddling action tease teasing lap lappy flap flapping clawing rub rubbing squeezing loving thrusting pounding pumping swirling twisting twirling flicking flick kneading animate date fun rocking headbanger ceremony gay lesbian 3sum threesum wild rough caring lovely hard new popular tight worship warm movement belly unique glamour moving bowing grope Vampire vamp vampy goth gothic bite biting red black lust blood bleeding bled lick licking demon wolf werewolf evil king queen master mistress death dead dying bloody dark eternal forever coffin stake fangs darkness glamour feed feeding fed turn turning sexy hot cold purple powers strong mesmerize immortal powerful count draco phantom ice cold skin pale knight prince princess opera unique cross crosses celtic magic hiss hissing growl growling violent violence hunt hunter spell council ancient ancients night darkness lestat thirst thirty bloodthirst alone flying entity seduce seduction lord Collins bram stoker soul souls mesmerize Transylvania Romania mythology folklore grave cemetery Dracula vanhelsing fear mean twilight buffy angel trueblood awake cape sexual villain demon demons bloodline hell devil vampiress throne chambers chamber coffin coffins sleep slumber awaking master king queen damned mistress pale white undead vanpire rare suck sucker bloodsucker grin Vampirism